
Sunday 7 December 2014


  • Security policies are the foundation of the security infrastructure.
  • A Security policy is a document or set of documents that describes the security controls that will be implemented in the company at high level
  1. Maintain an outline for the management and network security
  2. Protection of organization's computing resources
  3. Elimination of legal liabilities from employees or third parties
  4. Ensure customers integrity and prevent waste of company computing resources
  5. Prevent unauthorized modification of data
  6. Reduce risks caused by illegal use of resources, loss of sensitive, confidential data, and potential property
  7. Differentiate the users access rights
  8. Protect confidential, proprietary information from misuse, theft, unauthorized disclosure
Classification of SECURITY POLICIES:
User Policy
  • Defines what kind of user is using the network
  • Defines the limitations that are applied on users to secure the network
  • Ex: Password Management policy
IT Policy
  • Designed for the IT department to keep the network secure and stable
  • Ex: Backup policy, server configuration, patch update, and modification policies, firewall policies
General Policies:
  • Defines the responsibilities for general business purposes
  • Ex: High Level Program Policy continuity plans, crisis management, disaster recover
Partner Policy
  • Policy that is defined among a group of partners
Issue Specific Policy
  • Recognize specific areas of concern and describe the organization's status for top level management
  • Ex: Physical security policy, personal security policy, communications security

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