
Sunday 7 December 2014


Structure and Contents of SECURITY POLICIES
Security Policy Structure

  • Detailed description of the policy issue.
  • Description about the status of the policy.
  • Applicability of the policy to the environment.
  • Functionalities of those affected by the policy.
  • Compatibility level of the policy is necessary.
  • End-consequences of non-compilance
Contents of Security Policy
  • High-level security requirements:Requirement of a system to implement security policy
  • Policy description:Focuses on security disciplines, safeguards, procedures, continuity of operation, and documentation
  • Security concept of operation:
    Defines the roles, responsibilities, and functions of security policy
  • Allocation of security enforcement to architecture elements:
    Provides a computer system architecture allocation to each system of the program
Promiscuous Policy
  • No restriction on internet or remote access
Permissive Policy
  • Policy begins wide open and only known dangerous services/attacks blocked, which makes it difficult to keep up with current exploits
Prudent Policy
  • It Provides maximum security while allowing known but necessary dangers
  • It blocks all services and only safe/necessary services are enabled individually; everything is logged
Paranoid Policy
  • It forbids everything no internet connection or severely limited internet usage

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